Bible Study
The Duty of the Pastor, The Under Shepherd.
1. How are the people of God led?2. Who calls a pastor according to Jeremiah 3:15?3. What is the meaning of Hebrews 13:5?4. Whose heart should the pastor seek first?5. What does shepherding the flock mean?6. What is your understanding of John 10:1-10?7. What is the one thing that a pastor should not do according to 2 Corinthians 4:5?8. What kind of person should a pastor be according to 1 Corinthians 4:1-4?9. What kind of example according to 1 Peter 5:3-4 and Acts 20:28-38?10. What kind of spirit have you taken on from your pastor?11. What warning must a pastor give each time he feeds the flock he leads?12. According to scripture to whom will the pastor have to answer?13. Does a congregation really need a pastor to lead them in 2024?14. What is the meaning of “The Mystery of Preaching?” 15. When you accepted Christ as your personal savior, who was the pastor that received you?