St Mark

Church of Christ
Disciples of Christ

Deaconess Ministry


Chairman                   Deaconess Sheila Hamilton

Vice-Chairman          Deaconess Patricia Wynn

Secretary                     Deaconess Markia Spriggs

Treasurer                    Deaconess Michele Marks


MEMBERS (all Deaconesses, unless otherwise noted) 

Earlene Bolden, Sharlene Bryant, Linda Davis, Hattie Harris,

Kimberly Isler, Elder Doris Langston, Victoria McIntyre, Phyllis Royal, Beulah Shealy, First Lady Doris Smith, Alice Tuten, Shantel Vaugh and Sarita Ward


The Deaconess Ministry’s principal duty is to aid the Mother’s Ministry during Holy Communion and other duties as directed by the pastor. According to Romans 16:1, Phoebe, which was a servant at Cenchrea, was considered the first deaconess of the church. She was considered a “helper”.


We have been assigned to pray for the young ladies of the church and our Pastor and his family. We visit the sick and shut-in and hospital and nursing home facilities as the need arrives. We have outreach ministries which include our church food bank and schools of the community.


We acknowledge JESUS CHRIST as the lead and guide for our pastor and we are guided by HIS spirit to do what is pleasing in HIS sight.



Faithfully Submitted,

Deaconess Sheila Hamilton

Updated September 2019