St Mark

Church of Christ
Disciples of Christ

Resurrection Extravaganza

Men, Women, Boys & Girls



         When:        Monday, April 18th 2022, 12:00 until 2:00 pm

                Where:      St. Mark Church of Christ, 700 West Ash Street,                                    Parking Lot & Family Life Center Lot                                                      (Walnut Street)

       Sponsored by:    St. Mark Youth Advisors Ministry and 

                                  Other Ministries of St. Mark Church of Christ

    Food    ≈   Fun  ≈  Fellowship

   for Youth and Adults

  Corn Hole Games

Horse Shoes

Bean Bag Toss

Checker Cup

Spoon Race

Cup Cake Walk

Musical Chairs

and much more

Special Movie Showing


Life changes overnight for Coach John Harrison when his high-school basketball team and state-championship dreams are crushed under the weight of unexpected news. When the largest manufacturing plant shuts down and hundreds of families leave their town, John questions how he and his family will face an uncertain future. After John reluctantly agrees to coach cross-country, he and his wife, Amy meet an aspiring athlete who's pushing her limits on a journey toward discovery. Inspired by the words and prayers of a new friend, John becomes the least-likely coach helping the least-likely runner attempt the impossible in the biggest race of the year.


We look forward to seeing you there

There will be something for everybody!


Resurrection Extravaganza
Men, Women, Boys & Girls
When: Monday, April 18th 2022, 12:00 until 2:00 pm
Where:  St. Mark Church of Christ, 700 West Ash Street Parking Lot 
                & Family Life Center Lot, Walnut Street
Sponsored by: St. Mark Youth Advisors Ministry & Other Ministries of St. Mark Church of Christ
Food --- Fun --- Fellowship
for Youth and Adults!!!
Corn Hole Game 
Bean Bag Toss 
Checkers Cup 
Spoon Race 
Cupcake Walk
Musical Chairs & much more!
Special Movie Showing  
Life changes overnight for Coach John Harrison when his high-school basketball team and state-championship dreams are crushed under the weight of unexpected news. When the largest manufacturing plant shuts down and hundreds of families leave their town, John questions how he and his family will face an uncertain future. After John reluctantly agrees to coach cross-country, he and his wife, Amy meet an aspiring athlete who's pushing her limits on a journey toward discovery. Inspired by the words and prayers of a new friend, John becomes the least-likely coach helping the least-likely runner attempt the impossible in the biggest race of the year. 
We look forward to seeing you there
There will be something for everybody!

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